ENVIGRO Soil Conditioner Accrington and Rossendale Top Soil Conditioner
En V igro is a balanced, slow release organic fertiliser and soil conditioner, which is produced by composting a blend of nitrogen-rich chicken litter and carbon-rich bean waste.
It is peat-free and contains no added chemicals. It contains no lime, has a neutral pH, and is suitable for Ericaceous species.
En V igro contains healthy populations of beneficial micro-organisms, which are very effective in increasing soil fertility and in reducing the incidence of plant diseases.
One application at the recommended rate provides sufficient nutrients for a whole growing season. A balanced NPK analysis ensures that the plants receive all the required nutrients for healthy and vigorous growth. The nutrients in En V igro are contained in stable humic compounds that break down slowly and evenly in the soil releasing nutrients only as and when required by the plants. We have used this Top Soil Conditioner with great success all over the Accrington area and Rossendale valley.